The Three Doves and the birth of a fascinating moment in history.

It is possible that with the passage of time we have to reinvent the way of teaching children the history of who we are as a global society, well I put my little grain of sand in this, greetings Asgardians.

Tale by Ariadne Gallardo Figueroa

Those magical birds were the ones that were there the day they appeared on earth, for most people this is not relevant, I don’t know what our friend would think specifically, however it was not the first and not the last time that their appearance it would lead him to discover vital matters in the universe.

The world was preparing for something necessary and as an entrepreneur and visionary, he was not going to miss the show, analyzing that if people had not realized what they needed, they would never have undertaken a new way of living together.

That ancient building that was considered the house of a monarch in 1937, became a historical site and the ships that at one point in history had become ships where cunning and brave crossed the wide sea were placed.

An enormous chestnut tree was the one who welcomed the three doves, silent observers of the event; well it is better to go back to the moment of the appearance of our character and this takes us back in time to the chestnut tree and the seventeenth century, the three doves listened to Wren’s exclamations, that man was unstoppable and had in mind something vital and that many over time they would change, but not their cunning and sagacity to see what the future held.

From 1645 to 1948 the gaze of the sky and its stars changed, what was in one place was removed and placed in another, the pigeons were not disturbed by all these matters since 303 years are exactly the numbers that led them to follow the passage of time without alterations, we must understand that for magic there are no obstacles and the doves were not exactly sculptural beings, they were the spitting image of transmutation.

The character who gives life to this story reminds us that it is not necessary to get upset with details, however minute they may be, life must always find the channel through which life flows; That sailboat that brought tea from China was for many the most amazing feat and had it not been for the transatlantic and circumnavigation voyages, the world would not have understood the need to encourage the power of time.

Over time, many of us have wondered what gave relevance to a place that could have been another, because Greenwich describes an imaginary line (semicircle) that goes from the North Pole to the South Pole, but it is from this specific meridian which establishes the division of the planet into two hemispheres of 180º each: the western hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere.

Perhaps the pigeons can explain this event to us and make it valid for this story, however, the simplest answer is the place of appearance of the main character of this story, becoming a reference point for any other place on the planet, thus the distance from any place on the planet would from then on have its reference in that space that bears its name and from that place determines the time of other places in the world.

Being the first in the vast universe is not true, but it was true for the first pigeon that exclaimed when it saw it appear and thus decided that degree zero would be forever in its place of appearance concerning other equidistant points to which it appeared. it was called meridians.

Then the clamour of his croak placed the preamble saying: Ares has given you light, Arietis is your name and your personality begins the journey of the solar year on the planet, with Pisces to the west and Taurus to the east, you are and will be the Ram.

The second dove had to pronounce itself and slowly waved its wings to evoke its omen: Meridians and parallels measure longitude and latitude, you cannot escape from that rule that marks a balance between the Sun and the Moon, between day and night, being this synchrony zero point would be impossible.

The third dove prepared to issue its sentence and pointed out seriously: To the east, you will count to the right, 12 lines and each one will contain an hour; but when looking to the west those other 12, to the left, will be understood with the subtraction.

Each meridian will have 15 degrees and you must spread this to the entire world, since 360 ​​divided by 24 results in 15, it is so and not otherwise. Of course, there were many moments of discussion between the countries, being able to get hold of the zero meridians required voting and a series of issues in which human beings sometimes disagree, but in the end, what the three doves exclaimed was as they indicated.

Geolingüística en Asgardia

¿Podremos cambiar lo que la historia del planeta no ha logrado o esto no es relevante para algunos? Analicemos y reflexionemos.

Cualquier expansión de una creencia, ideología o cultura nunca llegó y fue completamente comprendida por los habitantes de un área en particular. Hoy tenemos subtítulos para entendernos, en el pasado, la palabra escrita ayudó a consolidar sus creencias entre los pueblos que fueron conquistados, una élite recibía en latín la información permitida por los altos poderes eclesiásticos y el pueblo se limitaba a ver lo que había, y lo entregaron como dogma y como decreto del rey.

Asgardia tiene un idioma puente que es el inglés de Estados Unidos o Reino Unido, sabiendo o no de este idioma, vemos que en algunos casos hay compañeros que deciden alejarse de las discusiones y foros donde no es fácil la traducción de sus ideas. se entiendan o no, en este sentido en alguna ocasión nuestra Ministra de Cultura Cheryl Gallagher señaló que “si supieras inglés tu experiencia en Asgardia sería más enriquecedora”.

Algo de esto nos explica la filóloga Carme Jimenez Huertas:

Se nos ha dicho que las lenguas romances derivan del latín y que son el resultado de la degeneración del latín vulgar. La gramática histórica explica su formación a través de complicados procesos evolutivos. No obstante, y como demuestran recientes investigaciones, el cambio lingüístico a nivel de estructuras morfosintácticas es un proceso muy lento. Los cambios internos de una lengua no se producen en siglos, sino en milenios. Las primeras evidencias de los romances nos muestran una lengua oral plenamente desarrollada que tiene características afines con las lenguas actuales pero que presenta una rotura con el latín: ni la fonética, ni los conectores, ni la sintaxis son latinas. En esta entrevista se presenta una nueva hipótesis de investigación que defiende que las lenguas romances comparten una tipología lingüística que nos remite a una lengua madre común de carácter aglutinante mucho más antigua que el latín. Para más información:

Esto explica el cuadro de información del video que les he presentado y que será difícil para todos leerlo sin la transcripción a su idioma. Lo importante de todo esto es entender que el camino de Asgardia hacia un lenguaje que unifique a la nación es un camino que la humanidad ya ha recorrido y que es muy interesante de entender.

No me extenderé más, solo quiero que reflexionéis y analicéis que no todo el mundo es políglota y que por tanto no todo el mundo debería sentirse aislado y que la tolerancia y la comprensión hacia los demás son necesarias para que las cosas funcionen en términos de buena voluntad.

Geolinguistics in Asgardia

Any expansion of a belief, ideology or culture never came and was fully understood by the inhabitants of a particular area.

Today we have subtitles to understand each other, in the past, the written word helped consolidate their beliefs among the peoples that were conquered, an elite received in Latin the information allowed by the high ecclesiastical powers and the people limited themselves to see what was, and they delivered it as a dogma and as a decree of the king.

Asgardia has a bridge language that is English from America or the United Kingdom, knowing or not of this language we see that in some cases there are colleagues who decide to stay away from discussions and forums where it is not easy for the translation of their ideas are understood or not, in this sense on some occasion our Minister of Culture Cheryl Gallagher pointed out that «if you knew English your experience in Asgardia would be more enriching.»

Some of this explains the philologist Carme Jimenez Huertas:
We have been told that the Romance languages ​​derive from Latin and that they are the result of the degeneration of Vulgar Latin. Historical grammar explains its formation through complicated evolutionary processes. However, as recent research shows, linguistic change at the level of morphosyntactic structures is a very slow process. The internal changes of a language do not take place in centuries but in millennia. The first evidence of the romances shows us a fully developed oral language that has characteristics similar to current languages ​​but that presents a break with Latin: neither the phonetics, the connectors, nor the syntax is Latin. In this interview, a new research hypothesis is presented that defends that the Romance languages ​​share a linguistic typology that refers us to a common mother tongue of an agglutinative nature much older than Latin. For more information:

This explains the information box of the video that I have presented to you and that it will be difficult for everyone to read it without the transcription into their language. The important thing about all this is to understand that Asgardia’s path towards a language that unifies the nation is a path that humanity has already travelled its way and that is very interesting to understand.

I will not extend more; I just want you to reflect and analyze that not everyone is polyglot and not everyone should therefore feel isolated and that tolerance and understanding of others are required for things to work in terms of goodwill

¿Que requiere la educación del futuro para explorar el espacio?

Ahora saben hacia donde nos dirigimos al momento de darle forma al argumento central del ensayo y todo lo que a ustedes se les puedan ocurrir como escritores y escritoras.

Photo by Pixabay on

Travesía Creativa

El simposio contó con un panel matutino con 5 astronautas, 4 sesiones simultáneas en múltiples aspectos (incluida la educación y la conciencia) y una sesión final de clausura. El área de Educación es para maestros, líderes escolares y otras personas interesadas en preparar a los estudiantes de hoy para la economía espacial en crecimiento, y para el futuro multiplanetario de la humanidad que se acerca rápidamente. La rama de Conciencia y Psicología está destinada a académicos, médicos y cualquier persona interesada en el bienestar, el desarrollo personal y la salud mental de los humanos en el espacio y en la Tierra. Otras líneas incluyen Cultura y Diseño y Ética y Derecho.

La Sra. Cheryl Gallagher y el Sr. Dan Profir dirigieron las discusiones bajo Evolving Space Culture y What Education for the Space Exploration Generation?…

Ver la entrada original 86 palabras más

Los viajeros cósmicos, en español

Gracias a DVA, Baikal por su aporte y dedicación en el trabajo de diseño

Si había señalado 5 libros, pero este era necesario y ahora ya está en español también con algunas adiciones muy puntuales y necesarias, saludos a todos los que me han seguido y en especial al diseñador que colaboró de forma amena y con gran disposición en este trabajo, su mano sosteniendo el báculo de poder está en la portada.

Travesía Creativa

Bien ya está en el lugar donde lo pueden adquirir y me da un gusto tremendo, esta versión no es la tradición simple del libro en inglés tiene algunas adiciones que al editar el libro consideré necesarias, así que les invito a leerlo y opinar, ya que es mi propia visión de una historia que nos hemos repetido y que necesita ser vista a los ojos de la sensibilidad que cada uno de nosotros somos, así que ahí va con mis saludos para todos los lectores.

El diseño de la portada es el brazo que sostiene el báculo de mando y es de mi diseñador y amigo en este material, DVA, Baikal a quien le mando un saludos muy especial y afectuoso.

Ver la entrada original

Asgardia, nuestro camino hacia el futuro

Asgardia, el camino continúa y no se detiene que el mundo se una a las buenas nuevas!!!

Todo esfuerzo es poco cuando se trata de Asgardia, todos tenemos grandes esperanzas en lograr el objetivo por difícil que resulte, la mirada en la órbita y el camino dispuesto es algo que no se construye fácilmente y necesita del empeño constante de todos nosotros. Así que allá voy de nuevo con el paso firme y los sueños al costado de mi brazo para encender la flama de la vitalidad y la esperanza con mi humilde propuesta.

About the subtitles:

Hello Asgardians, I have come here to tell you that there are changes and that it is always good to renew yourself, now from the page where our official account is located, I invite you to follow me again after having closed the Asgardia channel, Plan of Flight.

I want to remind you that we are campaigning for the new elections, what is going to happen with the new elections? I am not afraid that I will not be elected since as an Asgardian I will continue to inject energy into all the actions that we carry out, 

But if I have the honour and privilege of obtaining votes to continue in parliament it will be a point where we will realize the demands that are presented to us since what we achieve is sometimes a favourable triumph in the middle of a path where not everything is in our favour.

Oneself becomes very demanding with what may or may not take place along the way, we are always with the perspective that things may not always evolve as we wish.

Creating in humanity a mentality that speaks of the necessary unity as a true objective, is an Asgardian task. I want to tell you that now that each one of us achieves enough impact in our society and personal environment to make it count.

Achieving to ensure unity in the entire planet without distinction of race or sexual choice or regional beliefs and traditions is important, to achieve a true understanding between the different fractions of the world; 

Sometimes the West is seen in one way and the East in another and one and the other do not coincide in values ​​and ways of thinking to reach global agreements and create a bridge that ideologically permeates the social layers, I feel that it would be very interesting.

That Asgardia has a great proposal, in particular, I tell you that this is the beginning and it is not a game, it is the path of a nation towards space, so I invite you to never lose enthusiasm.

I cordially invite you to follow me in Asgardia, our path, Ohou Asgardians!!

John Fine, Chair of Trade and Commerce this is his profile online

Muy pronto muchos de los parlamentarios estarán en la página oficial hablando de su trabajo, sobre todo los que han decidido ir de nuevo a las elecciones.

For each of us who are now working in the Parliament of Asgardia it is a pleasure to share the dreams, the projects and the path we have traveled together, one of them is John Fine who has a very special website where he addresses the world from the different aspects that are part of their work in Asgardia and it is here where they can meet the man and the legislator who has accompanied us throughout these 6 years.

If you have not visited this place you are invited, very soon many of the parliamentarians will be on the official page talking about their work, especially those who have decided to go to the elections again and well this page is not new, it is something that John prepared with well in advance as part of your history in Asgardia, take a walk around you will discover something important and motivating I assure you.

Para cada uno de los que estamos ahora trabajando en el Parlamento de Asgardia es un gusto compartir los sueños, los proyectos y el camino que hemos recorrido juntos, uno de ellos es John Fine que cuenta con una página web muy especial donde se dirige al mundo desde los diferentes aspectos que forman parte de su labor en Asgardia y es aquí donde pueden conocer al hombre y al legislador que nos ha acompañado a lo largo de estos 6 años.

Si no has visitado este lugar quedas invitado, muy pronto muchos de los parlamentarios estarán en la página oficial hablando de su trabajo, sobre todo los que han decidido ir de nuevo a las elecciones y bueno esta página no es nueva es algo que John preparo con mucha antelación como parte de su historia en Asgardia, date una vuelta por ahí descubrirás algo importante y motivador te lo aseguro.